Monday, July 20, 2015

the pause that refreshes

Looks like today will be another in a series
of hot and extremely humid days.

In terms of daily activities, I am currently enjoying one of the precious Everything Is Working lulls, when the hours of routine chores are mostly low-key and slow.

Even so, there are multiple trickles of sweat running down both sides of my face within the first few minutes of every session. Yesterday when I was filling water buckets - and counting my blessings for now having a hose near the two biggest buckets! - I took off my straw hat and just ran the hose over my head for a minute. It felt good while I was doing it. And I wasn't much wetter afterward than I had been before.

To keep my soggy spirits up by focusing on the positives,
I'd like to share a few pictures from the gardens:




There. That's refreshing!

Wishing you all a pleasant day.



  1. It all looks lovely. I particularly like the red lilies with orange centres.

    1. Those lilies are such a gift - I wish I could truly capture the richness of those colors in a photograph. I'll have to try again :)

  2. I'm so sorry it's been so hot and humid. I remember that so well from my east coast time. It sounds like you have a great attitude about it.

    I love your flowers... so colorful and happy. And, I think I saw a blueberry. I miss blueberry bushes from my NE time!!!!

    1. The color is close but that is actually a seed head from the trout lilies on the right. I've been averaging about TWO blueberries per day! I try to eat them very slowly ;)

  3. Your flower pix are the best evah. Just love gazing.

  4. Lovely photos! Beautiful flowers. I only survive in the summer heat here by hiding inside with the air conditioner!

  5. Beautiful flowers.
    The weather up here is cooler today. Last week the humidity was so bad, going outdoors felt like walking through an invisible wall.

  6. there are days, like today, when I shove the horses to one side and stick my head in the water trough. they think it's a game, I think it's to survive the sticky heat. stay cool, Quinn, don't over heat.

  7. Recently, on returning from a dog walk in the heat, I soaked a cold flannel in icewater and walked around with it on my head for some time ... effective and only my collar got wet.

    I hope you're it's cooling down where you are :)

    1. That sounds very refreshing! Being "cool-headed" is really helpful in humid heat - or even under most circs, I suppose!
      When I recently had a bad headache I did something similar with a damp washcloth placed in the freezer in a curved shape. Didn't freeze it solid, just enough to make a sort of stiff headband to wear for ten minutes or so.

  8. I love the coreopsis (at least I think that's what those yellow flowers are!!). The humidity is supposed to start building here over the weekend, so we'll be soggy too.

    1. Good ID, especially since the coreopsis leaves are invisible under the other plants! That is one of the three varieties of coreopsis I have growing here for the first time...very exciting to see them doing well :)

  9. Beautiful pics! They certainly cheered my spirits too : )



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