Monday, May 26, 2014

and the winner is

First, a big thank you.
When I posted this giveaway, I was not expecting
the inspiring and imaginative range of ways
people have come up with to support shelter cats!
Thank you all for the pleasure of reading your comments.

The trusty sequence generator at chose the winner:

nicewitch on ravelry!

nicewitch wrote:

Whenever I spot humane live-traps and good-condition animal carriers for sale at yardsales or in the classifieds, I buy them and donate them to our local charities running TNR [Trap Neuter Return] programs. My donations this month include boxes of books for a fund-raising book sale, and food and cleaning supplies to the humane society . Of my four current cats, one was a semi-feral who chose to come to me when he was injured, one was brought home by another semi-feral I was already feeding, and two were neighbourhood dumps -- I couldn't live without them!

Congratulations, nicewitch, and thank you for being such a good friend to cats,
both in the wild and at home.


Thank you for leaving a comment! I enjoy reading each one, and will usually reply either here or on YOUR blog!

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