Friday, March 15, 2013


 Remember the four-dollar lettuce?  This is was the last tiny bit, and it was as delicious as every leaf that came before.


Wish me luck!
(I chose the hardiest variety at the feed store.  Also the variety with the shortest growing time.  Because the less time I have to accidentally kill a plant before the appropriate harvest time, the better.  Still...please wish me luck!)


  1. We're putting in lettuce today. God three varieties I believe. This green lettuce above looks like what Billy grew when we were living in Maine. It did so well that we were giving it away and having salads and sandwiches with it every day. It will be interesting to see how your red lettuce does.

    1. Three varieties! Yum! Here the ground is still frozen solid, but I may plant some seeds indoors for a headstart...will that work for lettuce? I've got some nice eggshells to use for "pots" but will have to find some nice potting soil somewhere.

  2. Good luck Quinn, can't wait to see the pictures of your lettuce.

    1. Thanks, Ronda - if they grow, you will probably see many, many pictures of the lettuce! :)

  3. Good luck! I'm sure it will be a delicious success :)

  4. Wishing you success in growing lots of red lettuce!

  5. Good luck! I hope you have great success with your lettuce garden. :-)

  6. the girl with the black thumb says good luck to you in your lettuce-growing endeavors.

  7. Hi Quinn, I think I would definitely try to grow it at that price. Good luck in growing it. I will pray that you have a green thumb and it really grows for you. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.

  8. Hi Quinn,
    Good luck with your garden. The red lettuce sounds yummy. My sister Donna is the gardner in our family and I so admire her ability and green thumb. I've only been able to grow a tomato...
    I've nominated you for the Liebster blogging award and hope you'd like to participate.

  9. I am SO happy to have all this good luck coming to my little lettuce project!! Thank you all :)

  10. Yep, good luck. I am completely incapable of growing lettuce. It has taken me years to admit it, but all those articles that say it's cheaper to buy seed and grown it yourself? Not true for me :-)


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